Sorry, it’s been a crazy morning. Little Leo got sick this morning, which of course basically sent his mother into epileptic seizures and we had to rush him to the vet. He’s...
So, most nights I stay up until 3 am or so, waiting for the morning edition of Page Six to come out and all the late-night paparazzi pics to trickle in, so you guys can have them all when... George Clooney’s friends didn’t have to get him a hooker to help celebrate his 47th birthday — he’s dating one!
George and Sarah “Hooker” Larson showed... On Tuesday, Leggings Lohan got coffee.
The end.
But this photo is especially exciting because, if you look closely, you can see the little clasps where they put in her hair extensions. And... After a stressful day in court, Britney Spears grabbed her trusty pack of Camels and headed to the recording studio.
Check out the new French manicure! It’s not even bitten off or... Thanks so much to those of you who have taken the survey so far. And thank you to those of you who took the time to leave additional comments, and say very nice things about me that make me... No, this is not a cover of the (fabulous) Jill Sobule song, but it’s equally fantastic. I love Katy’s voice, and the song just rocks.
Warning: Katy hasn’t released a... Right?
I mean, these are either fake lashes or he’s wearing some serious mascara. Or perhaps — gasp! — eyelash extensions? Oooh, I think I’m going with eyelash... I just think this is such a funny name — like, “Oh, shit, there’s a sun? Dude, I had totally forgotten. Wait, so that explains why it’s bright for like 16 hours out... Here are some choice photographs from Juliette Lewis’s performance with her band, Juliette Lewis and the Licks, at a Netherlands Liberation Day Festival called Bevrijdingspop.
I have... I went to private school most of my life, but I did spend one semester at an Arizona public school. Now, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with public schools in general... So each and every day, my boss does an exceptional job of not firing me — and preventing others from firing me — when I do things I’m not supposed to do, like run sex...OMG Paris Hilton Is Exhausting
Happy Birthday, George Clooney!
Your Daily Lindsay
She Works Hard for the Money!
Ask and Ye Shall Receive
Fun with YouTube: Katy Perry, “I Kissed a...
It Is Entirely Possible That Clay Aiken Is Wearing...
Happy Sun Awareness Week!
Never a Dull Moment
Lindsay Lohan May Have Stolen a Fur Coat
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