Today's Evil Beet Gossip



Here’s Paris and Nicky “I Only Look Anorexic at Bad Camera Angles” Hilton at — you guessed it — Sober Day USA 2008! I’m not freakin’ kidding, you...

Ashlee & Pete: Together at Last!

“We’re delighted to confirm that Pete Wentz and Ashlee Simpson were married this evening in front of family and close friends,” says their publicist. Shocker. She’s...

Britney Spears: Pregnant or Just Fat?

Here’s the first round of pics from Britney Spears’ Costa Rican vacation (with Mel Gibson!), and they have tongues a-waggin’ because she looks like she could possibly be...

How Domestic!

Lindsay and girlfriend SamRo carrying groceries back to Samantha’s house after shopping at a local market. I’m sure those bags are chock-full of fresh produce and lean meats! No...

Getting Hitched!

Here’s the video of Ellen announcing that she and Portia De Rossi are getting married. The look on Portia’s face is priceless. She’s so excited! CUTENESS!

The Golden Oldies

New Kids on the Block performed “Step by Step” and “The Right Stuff” on The Today Show this morning, dance moves and all. OMG. Awful, awful, awful. I’m so...

The July Vanity Fair Cover …

Will feature a preggers Angelina Jolie! After the Miley Cyrus fiasco, it looks like they’re going with a tried-and-true, over-18 sex symbol. Patrick Demarchelier took the photos, and...