Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Britney’s Great Getaway Continues

Britney’s Costa Rican vacation is still going strong, although we tragically haven’t seen any shots of her with Mel Gibson yet. I want those. So does every photo agency in the...

Always the Gentleman

Jeremy Piven stopped his Bronco in the middle of traffic at Cross Creek on Sunday to chat with these three young women. It was a mutually beneficial conversation: they needed directions to...

Feeling All Better, Avril?

After canceling multiple dates on her U.S. tour just last week due to illness, Avril Lavigne was feeling well enough to hit up Villa Lounge on Saturday night, and she left looking a little...

There’s That Baby Bump!

Nicole Kidman gives us a glimpse of the goods as she shows up to the CMAs in Vegas with hubby Keith Urban. You know, I just don’t find either of them all that attractive. Sorry, but I...

Indy Premiere!

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull had its Cannes premiere on Sunday, and tons of Hollywood royalty showed up for the event, in addition to some Bollywood royalty. Yup...

Photo Goldmine: Eating PLUS Nipple!

Two of the things we love best in candid photographs — celebrities eating and celebrities’ nipples — are combined in this glorious series of Whitney Port accidentally...

BREAKING: John Mayer Has a Huge Penis

Oh, I love stories like this. The NY Daily News has a bit about how Jennifer Aniston’s friends think it’s way out of character how hard she’s falling for John. But...


“She’s using my book. I mean, the thing looks so worn it’s like she’s been reading it on the toilet. It’s pathetic. Where’s her originality? Does she...