Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Casting Call!

Hey, guess what’s never going to work in America? HUMAN TETRIS!! But they’re casting for it! The TV phenomenon sweeping the world is making its way to America!! This project is...

Ali Lohan on David Letterman!

You can take the girl out of Long Island, but you can’t take the Long Island out of the girl! Ali Lohan made her appearance on David Letterman on Tuesday night. I thought I’d...

Congrats to Kristi Yamaguchi!

After totally blowing the Olympics year after year, Kristi Yamaguchi finally took home the gold: on Dancing with the Stars. The figure skater was named the winner of the hit TV show on...

Who Should Madelyn Gosselin Date?

You guys were very interested in my post on Jon & Kate Plus Eight. And I have to say I read every single comment, and was SO excited to have other people weigh in on this show. I love...

Your Daily Britney

Look who’s back home! Britney shows off her shiny new Costa Rican sunburn as she dines at Il Sole in Los Angeles. Why worry about skin cancer when you smoke a pack a day? (I know, I...

The Simpsons Are in Trouble!

No, no. For once, it’s not Jessica or Ashlee trouble. This is about the Simpsons who matter. While Fox has renewed its hit The Simpsons for their 20th season, it seems contract...


Paris doesn’t want to answer the question about her grandfather giving his fortune to charity rather than to her. Damn, Paris, there’s an easy answer here: “My grandfather...

Anorexia Sucks: Exhibit 5,964

The girls at Jezebel posted this clip of 19-year-old Cassie, an anorexic who can no longer throw up the tiny amount of food she eats, since she’s lost her gag reflex. So now she puts...

Your Daily Paris

Here’s Paris, doing whatever it is Paris does, and wearing whatever it is Paris wears, in LA on Tuesday. I’m always amused when she wears crosses around her neck. Because you...