Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Uh, Christina? This Has to Stop.

Once again, Christina Aguilera was spotted stumbling out of a Hollywood hot spot. The new mom needed two people to help her walk from the Hotel Bel Air to her car. Like, Christina? This is...

Pete Wentz: Why I Lied

Petey Pete Wentz explains why he lied about Ashlee’s pregnancy until she was out of her first trimester, in an email to MTV News. Every woman, no matter who they are or what they do...

No Cheeseburgers Here!

David Hasselhoff poses with his daughter, Hayley, at the premiere of You Don’t Mess with the Zohan in Hollywood. Every ounce of me wants to make a bitchy comment here, but it’s...

Kirsten Dunst Is “Wobbly”

Hey, remember when Kirsten Dunst was all like “I don’t have a drinking problem. I went to a drug and alcohol rehab for depression” and I was all like “Yes and...

Bill Murray’s Wife Files for Divorce

The comedian’s wife has filed for divorce after 11 years of marriage. She claims Bill has a marijuana and alcohol addiction, and has been abusive to her. An attorney for Bill says...