Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Lindsay Lohan Hospitalized?

Extra is reporting that Samantha Ronson took Lindsay to the Century City hospital last night. They stayed for two hours. No further details are available yet …


Zac Hanson’s wife, Kate, had the couple’s first baby on Tuesday, a son named John Ira Shepherd Hanson. And I don’t really care at all, but I thought up that headline like...

Seriously, Though, Where’s Paris?

Paris’s mom Kathy and her aunt, Kyle Richards, appeared at a Chanel event on Thursday. But … NO PARIS!!! Where IS she??? (Oral herpes. Oral herpes. Oral herpes.)

Where the Hell Is Paris?

Benji Madden was at the MTV Style Lounge in LA on Thursday, but Paris? Was nowhere to be found. It’s now been over a week since we’ve seen a photo of her. I’m fairly...

Uh, Christina? This Has to Stop.

Once again, Christina Aguilera was spotted stumbling out of a Hollywood hot spot. The new mom needed two people to help her walk from the Hotel Bel Air to her car. Like, Christina? This is...

Pete Wentz: Why I Lied

Petey Pete Wentz explains why he lied about Ashlee’s pregnancy until she was out of her first trimester, in an email to MTV News. Every woman, no matter who they are or what they do...