Today's Evil Beet Gossip



“I really enjoy having sex, and that’s offensive to some people. Women are the quickest to call other women sluts, which I think is sad. I haven’t met a lot of men who...

Trouble with the Law!

John Mayer was pulled over in LA for driving with expired tags and no license plate. Heh. I’ve been driving without a license plate since November. It’s not my fault — I...

Kicking Ass and Taking Names

Wanted Exclusive Trailer HD Check out the trailer for Angelina Jolie’s new flick, Wanted. Why does she always insist on playing assassins?

Samantha Ronson Loses to Perez, Again

Once again, an LA court dismissed Samantha Ronson’s defamation suit against Perez Hilton, claiming she did not present any new information this time around. Samantha had argued that...

Father of the Year?

Kevin Federline has been named Father of the Year by the most respected authority in the field of parenting: Prive nightclub in Las Vegas. It’s a (very successful) publicity stunt for...

Lohan vs. Lohan

Yup, more Dina/Michael drama this morning. Michael Lohan is reopening the divorce case, because he claims Dina won’t let him see his two younger children, Cody and Ali, and is...