Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Out in Public!!!

The rumors are confirmed!!!! Ryan Phillippe finally made a public appearance with the woman who split up his marriage to Reese Witherspoon — Stop Loss costar Abbie Cornish. The two...

Did You Guys See Cloverfield?

I just watched it on Pay-Per-View. At home, with my dog. Also, I made myself Sloppy Joes tonight. And then ate them alone. Because that is the pathetic existence that I lead. They were DAMN...


The current default pic on Samantha Ronson’s MySpace page. Jesus, you guys, should I just go for chicks? I mean, I think if I drank enough, I could get into it. No, no, not liquor...


Lindsay Lohan. Samantha Ronson. Foreigner shirt. La Scala. Snore. Will they please leak a sex tape already?

Out on the Town!

Nicole Richie makes a rare public appearance to support her buddy Pharrell at N.E.R.D. at their live performance in LA last night. She looks fantastic lately. Motherhood suits her.