Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Snoop Dogg Goes Bollywood

Everyone’s looking to make money in India! Snoop Dogg has teamed up with Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar to record a track for the theme song of a new B’wood flick, Singh Is...

Rodriguez’s Wife to File for Divorce

Whether or not he’s porking Madonna, A-Rod’s wife has decided she doesn’t want any more of his rod. She will file for divorce on Monday, according to reports, blaming the...

Still Going Strong!

Couple of the Year Paris Hilton and Benji Madden hit up Las Vegas this weekend for the Torres vs. Holt fight at Planet Hollywood. Note the “PH” ring on Benji’s ring...

Happy Birthday Pamela!

Pam Anderson was — what’s the word? — totally fucking wasted at her 41st birthday party at LAX this weekend. The normally photogenic Pam can’t even seem to look...

A Denial!

Finally! Madonna herself has issued a statement denying that she and Guy Ritchie are divorcing or that she’s romantically involved with Alex Rodriguez: My husband and I are not...

A Very Beety Fourth of July

You guys didn’t really think you were going to get through a 4th of July without having to watch new video of Leo (and the cats!), did you? I got him a very adorable Independence Day...

The Wackness Trailer

For those of you who are interested, here’s the trailer for the new Mary-Kate Olsen film The Wackness. It doesn’t look like MK has that big a role, but she sure is adorable when...

Eminem Sued for Bathroom Brawl

You know, I spend so much time thinking about who the next generation of gossip is going to be. Like, will we see problems out of Miley Cyrus? Selena Gomes? Demi Lovato? Should I keep my...

Still My Family!

As divorce rumors swirl, Guy Ritchie and Madonna take their clan to the Kabbalah center in NYC together. Madonna’s not in this particular photo, but she was there with Guy. You know...

Catching Up!

And I’m back! You know, sometimes even gossip bloggers need a couple of days off, especially gossip bloggers with ouchy feet, and I’m really glad I just got to take some time to...

Happy 4th of July, Bitches!

America! Fuck yeah! Unless Angelina Jolie decides to give birth to the Lords of the New World Order on Friday, I’ll see you guys on Saturday. I’ll be celebrating my...

Das Boot

As I was heading out to the ER, my wonderful friend Laura called and told me to go to a podiatrist instead. I called a nearby one, explained my situation, and they said they could get me in...