Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Who Will Come Out on Top????

Gossip Girl had a very strong season opener on Monday night, landing 3.4 million viewers. Will 90210 be able to beat those numbers tonight on the CW? Both shows were heavily hyped, but I...

Caption This

One of the first leaked photos of Levi, Bristol Palin’s baby-daddy.

Guess the Celebuspawn

This celebrity daughter showed up at the London premiere of RocknRolla looking like H-E-double-hockey-sticks. Who are her mom and dad? Jump inside for the answer.

Growing Up 90210

OMG you guys have to read this article in the New York Times interviewing a bunch of the old 90210 cast and crew about their experiences with the show. The whole interview’s...

Diet and Health Update

Okay, I just feel the need to update you all on my diet and exercise progress. I am now at five weeks smoke-free (woot woot!) and I’m still getting in about a half hour of cardio...

Look Who’s Helping!

Michael Phelps helps promote swimming at a YMCA in New York City. It’s cool to think about how many young people Michael Phelps will inspire to start swimming. Shit, after watching...

McCain Picks Palin

Wow. Governor Sarah Palin from Alaska was elected in 2006. And now she’s on the McCain ticket. I knew nothing about her before the pick, and a quick reading of her wiki reveals only...

Obama and His Bitch

Oh calm down, I’m not talking about Michelle. The American Kennel Club had a poll to choose the first Dog for Obama and his family. The Poodle won! In a national poll of 42,000...

I Guess This is Really Happening

Well Jessica Simpson has now “reinvented” herself as a Country Singer. Sigh. It is a bit creepy how she all of a sudden got the sexy football player boyfriend, a pair of cowboy...