Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Bailout Rejected!

The House failed to pass the $700B bailout plan for Wall Street. As a result, the Dow Jones industrials plunged nearly 800 points, the most ever for a single day. Yay economy!

Proud Mama!

The mother of a certain Hollywood starlet traveled to New York this weekend to support her daughter in a major career accomplishment. Whose mom is this? Jump in for the answer.

Did You Guys Watch the Debates?

No? Me neither. I was going to, but then there was this alumni event for my high school tonight, and, for whatever reason, I decided to go and forgot to set my DVR. It wasn’t a class...

Bailout Approved!

From CNN: Lawmakers have reached agreement on a bipartisan counterproposal to the Bush administration’s $700 billion financial bailout plan. Both parties and the House and Senate...

“Let’s Play Wall Street Bailout”

I know we’re talking a lot of politics/economy around here these days, but, like, this is super-duper important, especially this close to an election, and my conversation with my...