Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Hot Granny

According to a new article in The Daily Mail, Guy Ritchie told Madonna that she “looked like a Granny” when onstage surrounded by her young backup dancers.  I want to know...

Still Going Strong!

Courteney Cox and David Arquette are determined to be a couple for the ages. They made an appearance at the Fallout video game launch in LA last night, along with every other C-lister in...

RIP Boner Bob 2008-2008

Thanks for reading and hating or liking the blog.  It’s been fun.   I was like the lazy substitute teacher we all had in school that was too unqualified to actually teach, so...

God Bless the Photo Agencies

Seriously, guys? This is your whole entire job. This is Heidi Montag’s sister, Holly, who is repeatedly being tagged as Heidi by the paps these days. Grrr. Okay, and a note on...

Disney robots at HSM3 premiere

In case you missed it.  The big premiere of “High school Musical 3” came out.  As if we needed one of these let alone three.  I have to give credit to Disney for doing...

Democracy or Baseball?

Around 56.5 million viewers watched Wednesday’s Presidential debate, despite the fact that Fox didn’t even air it, choosing instead to air an MLB playoffs game. This is less...

The Most Famous Plumber in the World!!!

Meet Joe the Plumber, the man made an unwitting international superstar on Wednesday night during the Presidential debates. This is the discussion that McCain was referring to all night...