A little taste of the upcoming Twilight movie.
Wow, you guys, honestly, my stomach hurts right now from laughing so hard at all the photos you submitted, and my mouth hurts from smiling. Your pets are ADORABLE. Not as... As a Halloween treat tomorrow, I’m going to run a photo gallery of ya’ll’s pets in their Halloween costumes. Thank you to those of you who have already submitted photos... In an effort to detract from the gigantic set of lawsuits they’re currently battling with the MPAA, the RealNetworks corporate blog has taken to talking about — who else... In the absence of actual celebrity gossip in the week preceding, well, arguably the most important Presidential election in American history, the Internet is all abuzz over this viral video... Lip Dub IUT SRC Rouen 2008by arcanes-prod
This is a fun little “Thriller” viral video made by some French community college students.
Note that it’s all one shot.
Cool... I wanted to wait until Friday to show you guys the pics of Leo in his ladybug costume, but we did a test run today, and I just have to show him off NOW. I can’t wait another second to... You guys wanna know something awful?
Like, totally horrible?
After all my encouragement to get you guys to register and vote, I’m not going to be able to vote!
And, no, it’s not... Hi, guys! Sorry I was gone all afternoon. I was very busy getting me and Leo ready for Halloween. Leo is going to be a ladybug. Why? Because it was all that Target had in his size. Also: it... If you’re in the U.S., the full season premiere of 30 Rock is available now.
Watch it above or click here.
I love this show so much. It’s been a stressful couple of weeks, to... It’s the final push for the DonorsChoose Bloggers Challenge, so I’m going to be bugging you guys about this daily!!!
If you haven’t yet donated, now’s the... OMG.
They can’t be serious.
But they are.
The CW and CBS Paramount are teaming up to remake Melrose Place.
Is Hollywood just completely out of ideas?
Should we expect a Friends...The Evil Beet Pet Costume Gallery!
REMINDER: Send Me Pics of Your Pet in Costume!
I’m So Famous, Ya’ll
Baby Gymnastics: Is This Shiz for Real?
Get Ready for Halloween
I Can’t Wait!!!
More Celebs Want You to Get Out and Vote
Bond Premiere!
You Don’t Need to Wait Another Minute to Watch...
DonorsChoose Bloggers Challenge: The Final Days!!!
CW to Remake Melrose Place