Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Some Hopeful News on the Ballot Measures

South Dakota voters SAID NO to a measure that would have prohibited abortion except in cases of rape or incest, or when the mother’s life is in danger. Colorado voters rejected...

Al Franken Update

The former SNL comedian is still in a tight race for a Minnesota Senate seat. Franken, a Democrat, was up earlier in the night, but now he’s down, with the vote 43% for his opponent...

Exit Polling on Prop 8

From‘s exit polling: First-time voters cast their ballots against the proposition by a 64 percent to 36 percent margin. The rest of the electorate favored the amendment 52...

Uh … Guys?

I’m sorry to be a buzz-kill right now, but Prop 8 looks like it’s going to pass. Very disappointing, California. Why the hate?

But Let’s Not Forget About the Ballot...

This isn’t looking too awesome for gay rights. Right now: Arizona passed its ban on gay marriage. Florida looks like it will pass its ban on gay marriage. Arkansas passed a ban on gay...

Election Results: Discuss Here

As the election results pour in tonight, this is the thread to use for discussion. The polls are closed on the east coast and getting ready to close back west. Will we know our next...


Hey, kids, get out to the polls and VOTE today!!!! If you wanna take pics of your voting experience, send them to me at, subject line “EB Votes,” and...

Caption This

Model Helena Christensen is all like “why must the holy temple that is mebe placed next to this bridge troll?”  Poor Chrissie Hynde. The Accessories Council hosted the 12th...