Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Dr. Pepper Owes You a Dr. Pepper

For reasons I can’t even begin to fathom, Dr. Pepper said they’d give a free soda to everyone in America if the new Guns ‘N’ Roses album actually dropped in 2008...

In Case You Care

The new Guns ‘N’ Roses album — the first in seventeen years — debuts tonight on MySpace, where you can listen to it for free (if you haven’t already downloaded...

Boycotting “Milk” at Cinemark

No one’s really stepped up to organize a formal boycott of Cinemark at Sundance yet, but now there’s an official boycott of Milk at Cinemark theaters. Check out the website...

Bachelor Winner Arrested Again

I smell an appearance on Celebrity Rehab. The 2004 winner of The Bachelor, Mary Delgado, was arrested in a Texas bar for public drunkenness early on Sunday. Her weekend in Del Rio turned...

First Puppy Update

Now that the election’s over and we’ve all given up hope for a quick economic rebound, the nation’s energies are focused largely on one thing: the First Puppy. When will...