Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Patrick Swayze Stops Cancer Treatments

After his last bout with pneumonia, Patrick Swayze has decided to stop all chemotherapy.  According to his doctors, he made the decision after being told that he is out of options.  The...

Who Is Seeing Paul Blart: Mall Cop?

Is it you??? Fess up! The Kevin James flick was #1 at the box office once again. I mean, in fairness, this is a pretty easy week to be #1 at the box office — it had to beat out...

Miss America!

I had no idea this was even on. Last night in Las Vegas Miss Indiana Katie Stam was crowned Miss America 2009. She triumphed over adversity besting laryngitis, sleep deprivation, and 51...

Sting Needs to Bottle That Tantric Shit

 And then commence selling it to the waiting public. Sting, Wife Trudy, Actor Sam Rockwell and others at the “Moon” after party.   As you can see from the visual evidence...

Give the Drunk Guy a Chance

Yeeeeeeah. Rodney knows.   According to a recent study involving some 1,580 Australian men, guys that drink are better in bed.  Until now, it has been widely believed alcohol consumption...