Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Joe Francis on House Arrest

Sigh. Who let this asshole out of jail? Joe Francis has been put on house arrest until the next hearing in his tax evasion trial occurs on February 11. Yeah, that’s a real punishment...

Bids for 867-5309 Now Past $350K

Hey, you know that dude who’s selling the phone number 201-867-5309? And thought he might get around $50K for it? Bids are now passing $350K. “It’s a little more than...

Madonna Continues To Cavort With Baby Jesus

It looks like Madonna is still hanging with male model Jesus Luz; they were together this weekend in New York. Hey, remember when Madonna was married to Sean Penn and released her True Blue...

Total Football Tragedy

ZOMG. The one time in my life that I actually care about a sporting event, and my heart gets ripped out from my chest and stomped on. This is why I try not to care about things. I even...

Paris Fashion Week!

It goes against everything I believe in to have three Mischa Fierce posts in one week, but she’s all over the place during Paris Fashion Week.  It cannot be avoided.  She’s...

And He’s Out!

The Illinois State Legislature has kicked out corrupt Governor Rod Blagojevich. Hooray! The Illinois Senate unanimously voted to remove Gov. Rod Blagojevich from office on Thursday after an...