Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Adnan May Be Leaving On A Jet Plane

Britney Spears’ ex-pap, Adnan Ghalib could be gifted with a one-way ticket to Afghanistan if he’s found guilty of the assault charges that he’s currently facing. Pap Smear...

Rejected By Love

2008 Playmate Of The Year Jayde Nicole has started a cancer charity, Lengths of Love, where playmates donate their hair in an effort to raise cancer awareness.  What the hell was wrong...

The ’80s Are Over, Kids

Police arrested 194 concert-goers at the Phish reunion concert in Virginia this weekend. They confiscated about $1.2 million in illegal drugs and more than $68,000 in cash from the fans...

The Best Revenge Is Dancing Well

The Bachelor winner loser Melissa Rycroft, who was dumped on television, ended up being a last minute fill-in on Dancing With The Stars.  Last night was her moment, and she did great!  I...

Everyone Has a Book Deal But Me

The creators of the (admittedly brilliant) super-fattening food website, This Is Why You’re Fat, have scored themselves an agent and are shopping a book deal. Maybe it would help if...