Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Cat Cora Is A Mom Again!

After last night’s fuckery, my soul has basically fled my body.  I spent most of my night rocking back and forth in a corner crying and craving Sky Bars and contemplating what...

Ron Wood Schtups Twenty-Year-Old

Rolling Stone Ron Wood took his little girl new girlfriend to the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame ceremonies this weekend.  This wouldn’t be a newsworthy even if not for that fact that...

So You Think You Can Rape

The sleazy bag of human excrement pictured above–  41-year old Alex DeSilva, choreographer for Fox’s So You Think You Can Dance— has been arrested and charged with...

Today’s Secret Ingredient: Donor Sperm

Iron Chef Cat Cora is is expecting a baby — and so is her wife Jennifer. They are both pregnant at the same time. Both expecting boys, Jennifer, 37, will deliver in April, while Cat, 41...

The Podcast: Starring Meeee!!

Okay, it’s really not starring me. It’s starring the fabulous team of Laremy, Natalie and Garrett. But this week I had the awesome opportunity to sit in the studio with...

And This Is Why I Love Living In Boston

I don’t actually live in Boston, but it sounds tonier to say that I do.  I live in the suburbs where tumbleweeds and stray cows frequently pass by.  But on a good day, when the wind...