Today's Evil Beet Gossip


It’s Monday. We Need Boobs.

Good morning!  Today has been one of those days, and I know you’ve also had days like these, where I simply cannot wake up.  I feel like I’m in a drugged haze-unfortunately, I...

Power Rangers Actor Sentenced to Death

As if Hasbro bastardizing Cobra Commander for the upcoming GI Joe live action movie wasn’t enough, get the lube ready– because your childhood is about to take another one up the...

David Caruso Sued!

CSI Miami star David Caruso has been slapped with a $1.2M lawsuit courtesy of his ex-girlfriend, Liza Marquez.  I sure wish I could slap David Caruso. Court paperwork portrays Caruso as an...

Naomi Campbell Cleans Up Her Act

After years of hucking Blackberries at anyone who crossed her, it seems that supermodel Naomi Campbell is focused on sobriety.  In a new interview with Giant magazine, the glamazon...