Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Kanye shuts down Taylor Swift rumor

Another year, another Taylor/Kanye issue to dissect. This time the rumor started, where else, the Super Bowl. The internet was a buzz this week with a story that claimed Kanye West had...

Check out the new Fantastic Four cast!

The powers that be at Marvel have finally released the names (and renderings) of the newest cast of The Fantastic Four! For starters, they announced that the movie itself is projected...

DJ Marshmello sold his BH mansion

DJ Marshmello, the DJ who wears a giant marshmello on his head while his plays music, has just sold his giant mansion for a $5,000,000 profit. DJ Marsh bought the Beverly Hills home in...

Taylor Swift far from top CO2 offender

There’s been a lot of talk this week about Taylors Swift using her private jet to circle the globe, and rightfully so. It’s important that anyone using a PJ be scrutinized and...

Johnny Galecki gets married, has baby!

Big Bang Theory’s Johnny Galecki recently announced he’s gotten married! And in of all publications, Architectural Digest’s March issue. Johnny and his new wife Morgan...

Country music legend Toby Keith dies at 62

A truly sad day for country music fans around the world as a staple of the genres music scene has died. Country singer Toby Keith has died due to complications from cancer. His official...

DJ Zedd selling major party house

DJ Zedd made a name entertaining others with sick beats, but when he comes home after a long day, it seems like he still might want to party a while. Why else would you need over 14,000...

Key cast chosen for ‘SNL 1975’

Famed director Jason Reitman is taking on one of the most famous and storied behind the scenes drama ever to come out of comedy. The first season of Saturday Night Live. Reitman has...