Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Bob Odenkirk has collapsed on set!

There is little information coming in, but what we do know according to TMZ is; ‘Odenkirk and cast were shooting on the Sony Lot in Culver City Tuesday when the incident happened...

Wentworth Miller Reveals he has Autism

Wentworth Miller, best known for his roll on Prison Break, is sharing his diagnosis of Autism with the world. If your kids show symptoms of Autism, they may need Autism Therapy in Troy...

Kid Kudi buys big in Calabasas

I love Kid Kudi.  He’s so sweet and kind and he’s super open about his mental health, which is so important for kids to see. Real kids. Not the Kudi kind. Anyway, Calabasas...

Paris Hilton Pregnant!

I live in fear that Gen Z will cancel me over my devotion to still trashing Paris Hilton.  But then I remember they don’t know who I am.  ;) So think of a star who you believe would...

Scooter Braun files for divorce

You may have heard that eariler this month, Scooter braun and his wife Yael seperated after 7 years of marriage.  Now it seem Scooter is ready to throw in the towel all together as he has...