Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Downton Abbey 2 Trailer is here!

  If you’re like most people, you devoured every episode of Downton Abbey as soon as it aired.  For those of us in the states, that was well after the Brits saw it.   But...

Is Shia LaBeouf engaged to gf Mia Goth?

Shia LaBeouf was seen out with his girlfriend/exwife Mia Goth this weekend and TMZ said she looked pretty pregnant. Not that word of pregnancy has been uttered from the pair. They were at...

Paris Hilton wedding arrival photos are in

Props to x17 paparazzi for just planting themselves outside of Paris Hilton and Carter Reums wedding at the massive home of her grandfathers in Hombly Hills. Of course Paris documented...

Andy Dick arrested AGAIN on DV charge

Actor Andy Dick has been plagued with legal troubles for years.  He’s battled a serious drug and alcohol problem for as long as I can remember and that often escalates to fights with...

Malala Yousafzai got married!

Malala Yousafzai isn’t the type of celebrity we would normally cover, but she’s the type of celebrated human we should be covering. Ten years after she was shot in the head by...