It’s the world premiere and I’ve got the pictures to prove it. First up, My girl, Kirsten Dunst. Sigh. For some odd reason I just adore her.. I know others don’t share my...
Lindsay Lohan’s out of rehab and on the loose. And everyone knows the next-best thing to some Grey Goose cocktail is some Ryan Phillippe … um .. you know. [A Socialite’s... Yup, the Spiderman 3 trailer leaked. Enjoy. [Derek Hail]
TomKat and Suri the Fake Baby (looking fake as can be), arrive in Rome for the contractually mandated wedding of the century... I was just doing some background research on Tobey Maguire, and stumbled on a little gem on his IMDB page. He’s attached to the film version of Tokyo Suckerpunch, set to be released... Tobey Maguire and girlfriend, Irrelevant McNotfamous, welcome a baby girl. [Hollyscoop]
Joley Richardson quits Nip/Tuck. She’s hoping to be cast in a show with more plausible...Late-Night Links
Let’s Link this Through
HOORAY! They’re Making Tokyo Suckerpunch into a...
I Link, Therefore I Am