Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Diane Keaton Stands Behind Woody Allen

Diane Keaton hasn’t been shy about her love of Woody Allen lately; she accepted an award on his behalf at The Golden Globes with a long speech full of babbling praise. When...

So, George Clooney just got engaged…

If ever a time came when the apocalypse seemed closer than ever, that day is today, because George Clooney is apparently engaged. The world’s biggest bachelor and sexy silver fox is...

Selena Gomez has dumped the “toxic”...

Selena Gomez seemed to be getting pretty pally with Kylie and Kendall Jenner and was seen hanging out with them quite a lot. They even went to Coachella together, which we all know is the...

Seth Meyers is hosting the Emmys

I don’t really “get” the whole Seth Meyers thing, no matter how much I try. I watched him for years on SNL and was always sorta confused by how anyone could think...