Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Roseanne for President!

I know, I know, I probably blew your mind with such an awesome idea so early in the morning. But stick with me, take a coffee break if you need to, and then soak this glorious news in for...

Happy Rapture, Everybody!

Are y’all psyched for the apocalypse or what?!  Heads are gonna motherfuckin’ roll, you guys.  I’m so pumped.  Last night, I had the perfect excuse to do my favorite...

Roseanne Will Cut You

Anyone who knows me knows that I live for Roseanne. I still watch repeats of her show on TV Land almost nightly and my DVR is chock full of episodes for when I’m going through a rough...

Roseanne is Running for President

Roseanne Bar set up shop in our nation’s capital yesterday to announce that she’s running for President of the United States and Prime Minister of Isreal. Before you shut her...

HBIC Hits Hawaii

Does anyone else love Roseanne? I will watch Roseanne any time it’s on television, even if it’s those really depressing episodes they made after the Conner’s won the...