You be the judge. Robbie spent some time in rehab in February of this year. How do you think it’s working out for him? Pic taken at Teddy’s last night. [photo credit: Buzz Foto]
I mean, he dated Lisa D’Amato, still the reigning drunk of reality television in my mind. And I’m counting Chyna. So the British pop star checked into an undisclosed U.S. rehab... Before we begin, I want to thank Evil T for doing a kick-ass job of holding this place down while I was out of town. She is a total rock star, and I have no idea what I’d do without... Okay, okay, I was seriously going to go away for the night, but then I came across this article from — where else? — ChinaDaily:
Robbie Williams and Lisa D’Amato get it...Yes Of Course Robbie Williams Is in Rehab
Late-Night Links
Robbie Williams and Lisa D’Amato???