Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Reese Witherspoon


“I’ve learned so much from the kids in my life, and somehow they just become the center of your life and the way you look at things. Obviously I exist in my girlfriend’s...

Workin’ Out!

Look who’s a softball stud! Reese Witherspoon is in hardcore softball training at UCLA — she’s learning the sport for an upcoming film with Owen Wilson. I went to IMDB to...

Monsters vs. Aliens Premiere

Sunday’s Monsters vs Aliens premiere was a veritable who’s who of people you’re not supposed to be attracted to, but probably are. There were a few who walked the red (or...


When people get in your face and say, ‘This will pass,’ you think: Are they crazy? I’m never gonna feel any better than I feel right this minute and nothing’s ever...

Reese Witherspoon is a Big Fat Liar

Reese Witherspoon has been doing press for that horrible movie Four Christmases.  I won’t even watch the trailer on TV because of that puking baby scene.  I have three kids and...

Pretty Miss Witherspoon

Reesey looks absolutely edible at the LA premiere of Four Christmases. Also there: Kristin Chenoweth, who looks fantastic considering her show just got canned.

Second in Command

Defamer has an interesting piece today about how Oscar-winner, box-office champ Reese Witherspoon somehow manages to be billed second to B-lister Vince Vaughn in their upcoming flick. Is...

More Family Time!

It’s a family weekend! On Saturday, Reese Witherspoon took her kiddos, Ava and Deacon, for an hour-long hike through Temescal Canyon in ninety-degree heat. Dude, Ava is the spitting...


Keri Russell and Reese Witherspoon lend their support to a fundraiser for the Children’s Defense Fund. Other celeb attendees included Lisa Kudrow, Jennifer Morrison, Jane Kazcmarek...