Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon filed for divorce in 2014, but the settlement they recently reached brings some remarkable revelations about the couple’s finances and co-parenting. The...
Nick Cannon Is Dragging His Heels On Mariah Carey...
Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon officially ended their relationship in January 2015, and while they’ve remained reluctant co-parents to their young twins, there still seems to be a bit...
Mariah Carey Drops Nick Cannon Diss Track...
I don’t care if you like her or not – in the battle of Mariah Carey vs. Nick Cannon, Mariah is clearly the victor. Nick wants to trot around acting like a child, threatening to...
Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon played nice for Easter
Things haven’t been all that kosher between Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon lately – in fact, it seems to be getting nasty, with Nick threatening to write a tell-all book about...
Nick Cannon is writing a tell-all book about his...
Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey split up last year, and it hasn’t necessarily been amicable. Nick’s been trying to siphon money out of Mariah any way he can, Mariah wants no part...
Nick Cannon wants Mariah Carey’s Vegas money
Mariah Carey is about to be making major bank for a residency at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, and while all that money is rightfully hers because, you know, she’s the one with the...
Nick Cannon filed for divorce from Mariah Carey
Looks like Nick Cannon wanted to finally know what it feels like to be #1 – he made it to the courthouse first to file for divorce from Mariah Carey. From TMZ: The timing is...
Mariah Carey wants Nick Cannon to skip Christmas this...
Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon decided to end their marriage earlier this year, and it’s safe to say that it hasn’t been an altogether peaceful split. There’s clearly a lot...
Mariah Carey wants Nas to set her up on a date
Mariah Carey has only been separated from Nick Cannon for a few months now (that we know of), but she’s already ready to move on – makes sense, especially if her hints about his...
Did Nick Cannon cheat on Mariah Carey?
Mariah Carey has been having a tough time in Japan in more ways than one, it seems. After kicking off her tour in Tokyo last weekend, things started going downhill quickly. Her voice...
Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon are getting a divorce
Well, you’ve got to give them credit – Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon‘s marriage did last six years longer than I expected it to (hint: they’ve been married for six...
Mariah Carey doesn’t know who Kim Kardashian is...
Nick Cannon needed to shut up so long ago it’s not even funny, but for some reason, he just keeps flapping his gums about shit NO ONE cares about. Not you, not me, not the person...