Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Kelis Tells PETA to Eff Off

Kelis loves fur and she’s not trying to hide it, either, by saying that it’s fake or leftovers of a Britney weave haircut or something. While plenty of other celebrities are...


“The governing body wants it to be known that they did not solicit, promote or participate in the filming of this show. The production company that filmed the show did obtain a shoot...

MTV Staffers Win!!!

The walkout worked!!! MTV circulated this internal memo today: As you know, we’ve been holding information sessions over the past several days to discuss our freelance and temporary...

So The MTV Walkout Happened

Remember how I told you about this??? STRIKES ARE CONTAGIOUS! The WGA strike seems to be giving everyone else the guts to stage their own. Scores of workers from MTV Networks walked off...

MTV Employees Plan Walk-Out

I guess strikes are contagious. When MTV presented its freelancers with a new plan that includes no 401K, reduced health benefits and no paid vacation (they’re freelancers...

The VMAs Are Here

The MTV Video Music Awards are fast approaching, and the nominees have been released. The best group category proves once again how tragically out-of-touch with the under-24 culture I am...

Also, The MTV Awards Happened

In the wake of Paris now doing hard time the MTV awards have been washed away in a sea of somehow being even less relevant. But I feel in my heart you want some stills. Here, have some...