Jerry Seinfeld, Jason Alexander, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and Michael Richards have begun filming for their multi-episode reunion that will air on Curb Your Enthusiasm when it finally returns...
Bigots of the World, Unite!
Entertainment Weekly has pulled an interview with Mr. Mel Gibson (his own self). Overall the interview is well done and somewhat thoughtful. I’d never claim Mel isn’t smart...
Gobble Up These Links (ha ha HA!)
Today in tasteful: unearthed 1986 footage of Michael Richards in blackface. [The Bosh] When Prison Break first aired, I gave it three hours of my life that I will never get back, then gave...
Michael Richards Apology Video
From Letterman last night. Watch it before YouTube yanks it.
BREAKING AGAIN: Transcript of Michael Richards on...
CBS just sent out their press release from the taping of Letterman this afternoon (the actual interview will air on CBS tonight). Fresh from my inbox: Richards was featured via satellite...
BREAKING: Michael Richards Is Sorry
Apparently taping just wrapped on tonight’s David Letterman, and Michael Richards made an appearance via satellite to apologize for the awful, racist remarks that had their webcast...
The Guy from Seinfeld Hates You (if you’re...
Oh happy day. A Seinfeld alumnus is in the news again, and this time it’s not for a cancelled show. TMZ has a video and some lovely text about the guy who used to be Kramer going...