Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Michael Lohan

The Lohan Tapes Continue

I know that you were thinking that Michael Lohan is the biggest piece of shit ever to father an untalented actress/director/fashion designer/singer, but you haven’t been given all the...

It’s a Rough Day for Lindsay Lohan

OMG, Michael Lohan is such a dickwad. Unbelievable dickwad. He released these audio tapes of his daughter sobbing hysterically on the phone as “proof” that she needs help and is...


“I am going to go to court to get a legal conservatorship to get Lindsay into rehab and finally get her off all the prescription meds. [Wife] Dinais going to sit down with me and the...


“It could be a year, a month, a week – who knows? — Michael Lohan on how soon he expects his daughter to die now that she’s supposedly addicted to various...