I’ll say this about Michael Lohan: the man has got gumption. Just when you think you’ve got him, BAM! No such luck! You can’t cage a wild animal, and Michael Lohan is...
That wily Michael Lohan! If you refuse to fellate him, you will be assaulted, and if you try to arrest him … well, you can arrest him, but don’t expect him take it lying... Same story, different day: Michael Lohan was arrested in the wee hours Tuesday morning for, once again, trying to beat up his sometimes-lady-friend, 28-year-old gossip journalist Kate... “That’s from smoking a pipe with meth or crack. She’s smoking either crack or meth, one or the other. I’m not going to shade it. If you’re talking about prescription medication... Damn, I didn’t know Michael Lohan was an advocate for anything good. Seriously. Boyfriend kicks the crap out of his girlfriends, current and former, tries to break into his... I’m just joshin’ with that headline. Of course Lindsay Lohan didn’t have a great Sunday, she probably hasn’t had a great Sunday since 2004. She had a horrible... Totally classy, Michael Lohan. I mean, completely.
Lohan, who’s living with, or staying with another chick after the three that beat up, kicked in the crotch, and took nude photos of... Oh, were you looking for sarcasm here? My apologies, but if you couldn’t tell by the certificate in the picture above, this is entirely sincere.
The Weekender recently did a little... Who was caught using a photo of paparazzi-bait Lindsay Lohan to shield off the cameras as he moved boxes into a West Hollywood apartment building yesterday?
Click through for the answer and... Remember that one time that Michael Lohan wrote that touching, heartfelt ballad for Lindsay? Well, that was just the start of his musical declarations of eternal love for his daughter... The Child Support Collection Unit in Nassau County is getting some celebrity action now that Dina Lohan has found out that Michael Lohan is spending his money on Botox. According to Dina... Ever imagined Papa Lohan in his manties? Well here you are – the visceral proof. Along with the in-tune Michael Lohan, who just knew that you’d give anything – anything...Michael Lohan Tried to Escape from Prison
Michael Lohan Arrested AGAIN (This Time Over a BJ)...
Quotables: Michael Lohan Talks About Lindsay’s...
Michael Lohan Does an Anti-Drinking and Driving PSA...
Lindsay Had A Great Sunday, What About You?!
Guess Who Was Arrested for Felony Domestic Violence...
Michael Lohan: Father of The Year!
Who’s Blocking His Face With a Photo of Lindsay...
Michael Lohan Isn’t Done Making Beautiful Music...
Dina Lohan Loses It After Michael Lohan Gets Botox
Caption This: Michael Lohan in Underwear