Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Mariah Carey

Mariah Carey Is Being Sued By Her Vet

Insert weave joke, insert humorous use of the word “bitch,” and away we go! Mariah Carey left her three Jack Russell terriers, ChaCha, JJ, and Dolomite, with a vet for just over...

Mariah Carey Is Pregnant!

After a pregnancy was speculated for a good long while, it’s finally been confirmed that Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon are indeed having a child together.  An exclusive was given to...

Mariah Carey Is For Sure A Hero

While waiting to go on stage at a concert in Egypt last night, Mariah Carey spotted a fire.  Thinking quickly, as Mariah is no doubt apt to do, she took it upon herself to extinguish the...