According to X17 (via Celebuzz), Lindsay Lohan just might have a new fella in her life! Meet 21-year-old Henry Hopper. He just finished shooting a movie called Tar. He is French...
So, you guys saw the previous clip this morning that I ran in the MILEY CYRUS ATE A PENIS CAKE! post, and from there on out, I spent about three hours looking at old clips of our... Guys, there is an evil, evil part within me that actually rejoices when I reread this line. “Megan Fox might steal Lindsay Lohan’s Liz Taylor Role”? Come on. Tell me... Today, Lindsay Lohan went to court so that everyone could check in on how she’s been doing with her probation. There were no “f*ck you” manicures, and there were no... Poor Lindsay Lohan. When will she stop being such a disgusting, coked-up pariah that can’t stop jacking up her stupid, formerly hot face with various strains of muscle-freezing food... A couple of days ago, I let you guys know that good ol’ Lindsay Lohan was behind on her taxes. Specifically, she never paid anything for 2009. At the time, it seemed to be just... So many times, Lindsay Lohan makes me want to rip my eyeballs out of my head, stumble to the front door, and leave them there so the stray cat can sneak up and eat them, because heaven... Me, I picked Courtney Stodden. Not only is she a true American, as you can see in the classy photo above, but we could trade makeup tips, she could show me where to get cool and stylish... Man, Lindsay Lohan just can’t catch a break, huh? Or, depending on how you look at it, she’s caught every break possible, and quite a few that shouldn’t have been. ... I want you to really think about this now. Since 2007, how much money has all of Lindsay‘s legal shenanigans cost her? Consider all those times that she violated her probation, and... Well, it really depends on who you ask. For instance, here’s the story according to TMZ:
According to our sources, newsstands in major cities like New York and Los Angeles have had... But no, really, how is this still happening? How does Lindsay Lohan still have a modelling career? How does Lindsay Lohan still have any kind of career? Has no one heard that she’s...Flashback: Lindsay Lohan Sings a Song on a 2004...
Megan Fox Might Steal Lindsay Lohan’s Liz Taylor...
Lindsay Lohan Is So Boring, Is Doing “Very...
Lindsay Lohan Tried to Go to the Golden Globes, But...
Lindsay Totally Didn’t Know About All That Tax...
Lindsay Looks So Busted in These Ads, Also She...
Which Celebrity Would You Like to Have as A Neighbor?
Lindsay Lohan Gets A New Bodyguard After Some Dude...
How Much Do You Think Lindsay Lohan Has Spent in Legal...
Is Lindsay’s Issue of Playboy Selling?
How Does Lindsay Lohan Keep Getting These Modelling...