Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lindsay Lohan

All Together Now

In today’s episode of the Anna Nicole is Functionally Retarded Show, we learn that Anna previously tried to convince a wealthy paramour, G. Ben Thompson, that he was the father of her...

Fashion Victim of the Week

So in the true spirit of The Evil Beet, I have decided every Friday to make fun of a celebrity’s fashion choices. I understand that Rachel Zoe will be to blame for most of these...

Late-Night Link-o-Rama

Apparently Madonna isn’t adopting an African child so much as she’s kinda stealing one. Rule-bending in exchange for cash? In Malawi? [I’m Bringing Blogging Back] Lindsay...

Saturday Afternoon Round-Up

Sofia Coppola’s job requires her to watch her cousin get nasty. Weird. Christina Aguilera takes a cue from Pink, pees wherever. This week’s Lindsay Lohan crotch shot...


Jessica Coen is leaving Gawker for Vanity Fair, where she’ll be their “deputy online editor.” In my mind, the “deputy” part of this keeps conjuring up an image...

NEW! Lindsay Lohan Tracker!

Albert Einstein once said “Do not worry about your difficulties in math. I assure you that mine are still greater.” This isn’t a great parallel, but the quote came to...

Jason Wahler Arrested…Again

Some very critical stories have broken in the past hour. Normally I like to take little breaks from blogging during the day to, you know, do stuff at the job I have that pays me in cash...

Lindsay’s Post-Break-up Morton Encounter

You know those awkward days after a break-up, where you still have to see the guy every now and then to work out the details? Who’s keeping the dog? Where are my bikinis? You owe me...