After almost days of searching, the paparazzi catch Nicole Richie and Joel Madden together. Take that, Hilary Duff. Now you’re left all alone with your hyper-successful, talent-driven...
Fashion Victim of the Week
Lindsay, you made it too easy for me this week. I really thought I would go outside the box and find some D list celebrity to make fun of but then I saw this. Nobody should wear a jumpsuit...
Lindsay Lohan: Corrected
From our friends at GoFugYourself….this is too wonderful for words. Someone actually grammatically corrects Lindsay’s incoherent email about Al Gore and Aliens or whatever. I...
Step up! Be a man! If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Lindsay Lohan needs you to join her cause. She is definitely against something, and she is definitely...
Pols Won’t Touch LiLo with a 10-Foot Pole
So after reading the drunk-ass email LiLo sent out last night, I was thinking, “Did anyone think to ask Al Gore for comment?” YES! TMZ DID! I LOVE TMZ! Genius...
Sobriety Maybe Not Going So Well for LiLo
She sent out another one of her crazy-ass drunk/high/whatever emails. From Page Six: LINDSAY Lohan is preparing to clean up her image and go to war with the media with the help of a...
Crazy How the Pounds Come on When You Quit Snorting...
At the Stella McCartney store’s Christmas tree lighting in LA. Hooray sobriety!
Dina Lohan Confirms Lindsay’s Attending AA...
During an interview on KIIS FM this morning with Ryan Seacrest, Dina Lohan — Lindsay’s mom — was asked if Lindsay was, in fact, attending AA meetings. Dina replied...
Lindsay Lohan Trying to Get Sober
It’s possible we bloggers might have to find someone else to fill our column inches in the near future, as Page Six reports that Lindsay Lohan has begun attending AA meetings. This...
Lohan Explains Everything
Okay, I’ll bite, an explanation for why good ol’ Linday is care free when it comes to her naughty bits. Quoth the LL: “I don’t want to put myself in the position...
Late-Night Links
Christina Aguilera does a little drinkin’ herself. [Perez Hilton] I’ve lost track of how many times Snoop Dogg’s been arrested this year. But add one. [TMZ] Travis Barker...
Menage a Trois!
Paris and Lindsay can never stay mad at each other, and it seems now Britney Spears has been drawn into this love/hate relationship. It wasn’t too long ago that Lindsay Lohan was...