Hollywood’s newest anti-celebrities, Kristen Stewart and Rob Pattinson, show up for the UK premiere of their film, Twilight. I don’t care what anyone says about Kristen, I love...
She’s anti-charming in interviews, and she was recently spotted smoking a bowl in broad daylight, all of which seems to make people want her in their movies more.
She took a $10M pay... Â
Seems that Twilight star Kristen Stewart is having a little issue with adjusting to fame. First it was the smoking on her front steps. Now a reporter from Chicago Sun-Times... Twilight hottie Kristen Stewart has the early makings of a gossip column mainstay — photogs caught her smoking a bowl on her stoop in broad daylight.
You’re gonna have to get... Kristen Stewart and Rob Pattinson were each paid $2M to star in the hugely successful first Twilight film, based on a series of teen-vampire novels by Stephanie Meyer (who makes a kind of...Kristen Stewart Employable Despite Public Weed-Smoking...
Kristen Stewart Doesn’t Wanna Talk About It
Kristen Stewart Lights Up
Twilight Stars Are Now Going to Be Super-Rich