Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Kristen Stewart

How High Is Kristen Stewart?

Scale of 1-10, guys, with 1 being your local Mormon missionary and 10 being your really really high local Mormon missionary. This isn’t weed high, either. Stoned Kristen is much more...


“I definitely had a thing with Kristen.  Your first impulse is to ask her for her phone number.” Robert Pattinson, confirming to Bop magazine that he had some sort of...

Kristen and Dakota Are Totes BFF

You know what? This is exactly what needed to happen to Dakota. She’s in LA filming Runaways with the coolest girl in school, Kristen Stewart, and the two seem to have gotten awfully...

Kristen Stewart’s Mullet

I finally watched Twilight last week, not because of any personal inclination, but I figured I should do some research. Glittery disco vampires aside, throughout the movie I watched Kristen...

Kristen Stewart is Smokin’

While perusing photo sites today, I stumbled upon a set labeled “Kristen Stewart is a Smoker!” that contained several exclamation points and the above photos with nifty little...