No, I’m just kidding. She could be a perfectly nice young girl for all I know. Not that, you know, lushes are bad people. I’ve met my share of drunkards that were quite...
Wait. Kellie Pickler Dates Kid Rock?
Where have I been and how did I not know this? Despite it being “the worst-kept secret in Nashville”, I was completely unaware that these two were dating. And they’ve...
New Kellie Pickler and Taylor Swift Video
The virtually unrecognizable Kellie Pickler has a new video out for her song Best Days Of Your Life. The video features Beet’s fave, Taylor Swift, who you just know was thinking...
Oh Dear God It’s Getting Worse
Here are more shots of Kellie Pickler at NY Fashion Week. I am REALLY unhappy with this new face and look of hers. I just adored her before. Now she looks so fake.
Not in Albemarle Anymore
I literally let out a little squeak when I saw this photo of Kellie Pickler at the CMAs. My slumbering dog woke up and stared at me, like “Is everything okay, Mom? Do you need me to...
Kellie Pickler Talks About Her Battle with Depression
It’s been nearly a week since the last celebrity decided to break their silence on the hasn’t-been-taboo-in-twenty-years subject of depression. So it’s about time another...
Kellie Pickler Releases New Album on Her Own Terms
Kellie Pickler released her second album this week — a eponymous, relaxed, and occasionally humorous set of tracks where she got to take her sweet time and call her own shots. And...
I ::Heart:: Kellie Pickler
Say what you want about her intellect, I admire her spunk. You gotta watch this.
What Was Paris Hilton Doing at the American Music...
Oh, wait. This is Kellie Pickler. Hm.
Poor Kelly Pickler
It’s hard not to feel bad for Kelly Pickler. She used to be a naive, but lovable, little trailer park gal. Now she’s been handled and rebreasted. Sadly, her daddy hasn’t...
Kellie Pickler Should Get Her Boobs Done … Er...
At the CMT awards in Nashville today. They’re kind of lopsided, my darling. And what have you done with your hair? Is that how people do their hair for prom in Albermarle? Because...
Did Kellie Pickler Have a Boob Job?
Kellie on Season 5 of American Idol Kellie Last Night Yes. Yes, she did. That is not a push-up bra, that is not weight gain (although she did gain weight). That, my friends, is...