Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Jon Gosselin

It’s Over!

After years of watching the little Gosselin babies grow into resilient little children, the Jon & Kate Plus 8 disaster is over. After Jon’s insistence that the children not be...

Payback’s A Bitch

Jon and Kate were back in court yesterday trying to work out their financial woes with a court-appointed arbitrator.  Remember how Kate accused Jon of taking out a bunch of money and Jon...


“Nobody wants their college pictures drudged up, especially if college is only four years ago for you. That’s why it’s so embattled, because it’s so current. You...

Jon Plus Kate Equals Hate

When will it end?  When I heard that Jon essentially got fired from his family, I thought, “Thank God.  I can finally stop writing about him.  He’s now nothing more than a...