Donald Trump has had a lot of smoke blown up his ass lately since a good chunk of the Republican party seems to think he’s a worthwhile human being and perhaps also a good...
Donald Trump may be (happily?) married to wife Melania, a woman 24 years his junior, these days, but there was a time when he’d set his sights just a bit higher. In fact, he actually... This is a rather delicious story, I think you’ll have to admit. Donald Trump is an absolute tyrant who, somehow, has managed to gain some kind of stronghold in the Republican party... Well, this one’s certainly a mess. Kelly Osbourne thought she was being super helpful in shutting down Donald Trump‘s overt racism against the Latino community (and basically... God, it truly is a wonderful time to be alive. The Supreme Court finally ruled to legalize marriage equality, True Detective is back on the air, and NBC finally fired Donald Trump for being... Donald Trump apparently has it in for Russell Brand — who knew? He’s impossible to predict. He loves Miley Cyrus but hates Beyoncé. And now, he’s turning his hate towards... This little Miley Cyrus story is a double shot of ridiculousness (just so save us from writing two separate stories). First, we have Miley’s photoshoot for her upcoming album... I guess we’re all acting surprised that Donald Trump has said something (else) unabashedly racist by claiming that most of the crime in America is committed by “blacks and... I’m not really sure that an endorsement from Donald Trump on your date-ability is really the best thing you could have if you’re trying to find a nice guy to shack up with on... It’s no secret that Donald Trump is a Grade A asshole for a variety of reasons – he’s homophobic, racist, pro-guns… blah blah blah. But the entrepreneur took it to a... And because I’m sure Donald Trump is the most monogamous man alive, and probably the most ethical and moral, to boot, we should totally, totally be taking him very seriously, guys... OK, I get that the death of Osama Bin Laden is a really big, big deal to a lot of people and nations and everything else, and I’m TOTALLY not discounting that. But guys? Osama Bin...Donald Trump Wanted Princess Diana To Be His...
It’s Official: Donald Trump Fired From...
Kelly Osbourne Tries To Defend Latinos By Claiming...
NBC Fires Donald Trump For Being A Racist Asshole
Donald Trump Majorly Disses Russell Brand
This Is Miley’s Idea of Sexy, and Donald Trump...
Newsflash: Donald Trump’s a Racist!
Donald Trump Thinks Martha Stewart Is a Total Catch
Donald Trump Thinks Beyoncé Shouldn’t Dance So...
Donald Trump’s Got Some Things to Say About...
Donald Trump Announces his Candidacy for President...