This is a SERIOUS event. +++ Names and talent come together to try and actually affect a city. Dave Chappelle, Stevie Wonder, Chance the Rapper, Jon Stewart and Kanye West joined the 20,000...
Dave Chappelle throws party for Dayton, OH
Dayton Ohio was one of the three towns that were hit by mass shootings in the last month. Some stars are trying to find ways to give to those grieving communities other than just the...
Chris Rock & Dave Chappelle Surprise Duet
Fans of comedy got a real treat Saturday night (March 25) as Chris Rock was unexpectedly joined by Dave Chappelle. The set was a raunchy rendition of the kind of comedy. The pair were...
Dave Chappelle Is Looking Good On That Flyboard
When you’re rich, you have all kinds of money to do the weirdest, dumbest shit you could ever think to do. Take, for instance, riding a flyboard – a water jetpack that’s...
Dave Chappelle once bought weed from Idris Elba
In what’s actually a hilarious tale of “It’s a Small World, Even in Hollywood,” it turns out Dave Chappelle probably bought weed once from Idris Elba before either...
Dave Chappelle Is Still Pissed Over His Flop Standup...
Dave Chappelle performed at a Funny Or Die comedy show in Connecticut and it didn’t go well — he was booed. He threw a hissy fit, told the audience he hated them, and left the...
Dave Chappelle Throws A Tantrum Because He Got Booed
Dave Chappelle has a habit of walking away when things don’t go his way, and when he feels his fans don’t appreciate him. Part of the reason he left his popular...
Dave Chappelle Is Sorry He Wasn’t Very Funny on...
Yesterday afternoon, Vulture published the single funniest headline I’ve ever seen outside of the Onion (“Dave Chappelle Tells One Joke at Charity Event, Proceeds to Stare Down...
Dave Chappelle Disappoints Real World Congressional...
Oh, there are just so many elements to this story, and all I want to do is take a nap. But remember Kevin Powell from Season One of The Real World? He’s running for Congress in New...
You Can Only Ride the Dragon So Long
Let me preface this by saying I think Dave Chappelle is one of the funniest guys in the business. He’s super duper funny. In fact, as I noted back in the day, (the “day”...
When I Say Manic, You Say Depressive
I really like Dave Chappelle. I loved his movie, Dave Chappelle’s Block Party, and I think he’s one of the more interesting humans to ever appear on the Oprah show. But check...
Dave Chappelle Pulls a Dave Chappelle
Perhaps Dave Chappelle should try his hand as a magician, since he seems to have this disappearing act down pat. At the last minute, Chappelle canceled this Thursday’s scheduled...