Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Britney Spears

I Link We’re Alone Now

Rachel Weisz says it’s okay to drink while you’re pregnant. “Amen to that,” says Lindsay Lohan’s mom. [Cele|Bitchy] If there is, in fact, a way to get America...


“Which singer had to deliver her child via Cesarean because of a raunchy STD her estranged husband gave her?” Via Page Six today this item leads one to believe that not only did...

Let’s Link this Through

Yup, the Spiderman 3 trailer leaked. Enjoy. [Derek Hail] TomKat and Suri the Fake Baby (looking fake as can be), arrive in Rome for the contractually mandated wedding of the century...

K-Fed Shopping a Britney Sex Tape?

Hell hath no fury like Kevin Federline scorned. Britain’s News of the World reports that Britney’s soon-to-be ex-hubby is shopping a four-hour sex tape the two recorded at the...

Recapping Deaderline: Day 3

Sorry I’m late on this, guys — I decided to take a break from tending to y’all last night to take a stab at a social life. We’ll see how this new experiment...

Deaderline: Day 2

Kevin Federline has responded to Britney Spears’ divorce filing. In the response, he asks for legal and physical custody of the couple’s two children and requests spousal...


Have you ever seen The Second Civil War? You haven’t? It’s a 1997 comedy about an immigration issue that spirals into a second U.S. Civil War. It’s funny — you...

Recapping Deaderline

Yesterday was a great day to be a celebrity gossip blogger. Not such a great day to be Kevin Federline, but that’s someone else’s problem. As I’m sure you heard about on a...

Election, What?

Brit-Brit’s divorce docs prove she “faked” her wedding. The day everyone thought she married Federsperm at a Studio City residence, September 18, was not actually her...

I Have a Sixth Sense About These Things

I declared it “Britney Spears Day”She got divorced.Best News Ever.:) Here are some Britney Spears Divorce Links for Your Evening: Perez has a barrage of great articles of their...