Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Britney Spears

Britney in Bloom

Taken a month ago, apparently, at a friend’s house. Seriously, though, I have seen her vagina. Three times. This is painfully uninteresting. Update: Sigh. SplashNews continues their...

The Britney Spears Comeback Tour!

Well … sorta. Rumors have been circulating for awhile now, but it looks like it’s pretty much confirmed that Ms. Spears will be making a tour of House of Blues venues in...

Rehab Does a Body Good

Wow Brit…nice abs! Look what she has been hiding from us under all of those questionable outfits. This picutre makes me believe that she might have gotten some help but really without...

Britney Fires Her Manager

Britney Spears is in for yet another break-up. The rehabbing pop tart has reportedly dumped her manager, Larry Rudolph, again. According to Page Six, Spears ditched Rudolph because she...

Jesus Christ, Britney

Save these pictures, Britney. Print them out and put them in a shoebox and keep them under your bed. Then when Sean and Jayden are 12 and 14 and come home stoned out of their gourds you can...

Brit Brit Completes Rehab

It’s been a long hard month for us celeb bloggers but they’ve sprung our muse loose and off the juice (why am I so pleased with this rhyme? no idea. OCD probably). That’s...

Want to Send Britney Well Wishes?

So Britney Spears is trying really hard to make people forget about her last year of chubby, crazy and naked. She wants us to remember her when she was hot, wickedly famous and naked. Her...

I Call Bullshit

On the Britney-Spears-has-a-boyfriend-she-met-in-AA story that’s running around the Internet today. I mean, far be it from me to discredit the National Enquirer, but, okay, Britney...

Brit Hits Up Another Meeting

Britney attended another Promises field trip to an AA meeting tonight — this time the 7:30 pm speaker meeting in Pacific Palisades. The paparazzi were right there to film her when she...