Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Britney Spears


Ever careful not to be photographed with alcohol, B Spears hits up the Las Vegas opening of LAX. (The club, not the airport.) Yeah, homegirl looks dry as a bone. With Criss Angel in...

Yet ANOTHER B-Spears Single!

These things are dropping faster than Britney’s panties. We just got Britney’s first new single, “Gimme More,” and on its heels comes another one, “Cold as...

It’s Britney, Bitch

Thus begins the much-hyped Britney Spears comeback single, which hit the web tonight. It’s called “Gimme More,” and you can listen to it on the player below. Because...

Is Britney Spears Peeing in Belgium?

We haven’t heard much from the pop tart in recent days, and now a newspaper in Belgium is reporting she stopped to use a public toilet there. Ha! That’s our Britney! I am making...

Britney Spears’ Chin is Contagious

Britney Spears’ former assistant, Shannon Funk, arrived at Long Beach airport last night. Shannon, who Kevin Federline recently added to his top friends on Subpoenaster, has been...