Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Britney Spears

Britney Spears Pays Off Hit and Run Owner

Parking was impossible at Arizona State, where I went to college. You had to get to campus like 45 minutes before your classes, because it took that long to find parking and then walk the...

Britney’s VMA Dancers: Pay Us, Please

It seems Britney is ready to forget everything about her recent VMA show, including the paychecks she owes her dancers: Britney Spears is so “in her own world,” she likely has...

Britney’s Still a Crappy Mom

What? The collagen injections didn’t fix that? Weird. Spears’ court-appointed monitor turned in a “very damaging report” October 22, a source close to her ongoing...

Britney Gets the Kiddos Back!

Britney has regained visitation rights with her kids, after complying with the judge’s orders. The singer on Saturday was spotted driving with her children in Studio City, Calif., in...

The Britney Album Preview

Wanna preview Britney’s new album? You can get a sneak peak at some of the songs on this player her PR folks have created, because, you know, most of it’s leaked already, so who...