Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Britney Spears


“If you don’t obey a court order, you can be held in contempt … We’re not really interested in punishing her … We’re interested in getting facts and...

Piece of Me Video: Sneak Preview

The whole thing will debut on 20/20 tonight. It’s that relevant. This looks a lot better than the “Gimme More” video, but still not great. I’ll reserve judgment...

Did I Miss Something?

This showed up in my inbox this morning from a well-known PR agency: Following find Tyra Banks’ statement today regarding recent reports of her speaking about Britney Spears in a...

I Guess Britney’s Feeling Better

She was out and about on Wednesday night, checking into the Four Seasons. Sigh. I don’t even know what to say anymore. Can we send her to live on the moon?

Britney’s “Illness” Explained

“She’s sick, both physically and high anxiety. Millions of press outside. It’s too much,” says Britney pal Sam Lufti in an email. One of the commenters on here...

Britney Missed Her Deposition!!!

She is TOTALLY going to lose these kids!! Like, completely!! Britney claimed she had some sort of medical condition. She was certainly feeling well enough to dye her hair dark. These pics...

Britney’s Deposition Is Today!!!

Brit-Brit will be grilled on Wednesday by K-Fed’s attorney, the now-ubiquitous Mark Vincent Kaplan. It’s expected that Britney will be grilled about her past drug and alcohol...

Showin’ Off a Little Pink

Britney’s back in her trademark pink wig — and those damn brown boots she’s been pounding around in for a week. Here she is posing in the Hustler carpark in Hollywood on...

I Guess She Does Work Sometimes

What do you do with yourself after you basically lose custody of your two young children? You buy yourself a new dog, a new car, and you dance your butt off. Check out Britney (and her dog)...

Caption This

Britney and her dog pull up to the Four Seasons Hotel on Saturday night. Image via WENN

“Don’t Touch My Fucking Car”

Britney gets a little fed up with the paps in this video. I don’t blame her. My favorite part of any paparazzi video is the local storeowners trying in vain to get them to leave...