Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Britney Spears

Who Inspires Britney Spears?

The answers… well, no, they won’t surprise you at all. They’re pretty vanilla and middle-of-the-road, so let’s just reveal them: Beyoncé, Bruno Mars and Justin...

Britney Loves Sex, Y’All

Britney Spears love sex! Wow, who knew? You know that E! documentary she’s doing? Well in it, she’s very frank about her opinions regarding sex. Here they are, via ABC News: I...

Britney Spears Almost Broke Her Neck

Oh dear! Britney Spears‘ Las Vegas residency hasn’t even begun yet and already things are getting a bit crazy. Apparently BritBrit was rehearsing recently and somehow managed to...

Sneak Peek: Britney Spears’...

Britney Spears‘ video for ‘Perfume’ isn’t actually coming out yet, but it is finished and in order to drum up excitement, she’s released a sneak peek for...