Blake Shelton is so weird. He seems like such a sweet, fun guy on The Voice, but then he does things like make possibly homophobic tweets about Shania Twain songs, and I don’t even...
“I’ve never had that kind of experience with anybody… I was a married guy, you know? Standing up there and singing with somebody and going, ‘Man, this shouldn’t be... Because I absolutely loved Blake Shelton on The Voice. He seemed like a really genuine, funny, sweet guy, and of course I loved his man crush on Adam Levine. But then I checked out Evil... Hey, Blake Shelton. Sure went and got your name in the news, huh?
If you guys missed it, Blake Shelton (a country-singing dude who’s engaged to a country-singing chick you might know...Quotables: Blake Shelton Talks Falling in Love With...
How Do We Feel About Blake Shelton?
Twitter Says Blake Shelton is a Violent Homophobe